Просмотр полной версии : I am pregnant 8 weeks. On term of 6 7 weeks has handed over analyses on anti-CMV (JgM)...

02.06.2004, 03:27
I am pregnant 8 weeks. On term of 6 7 weeks has handed over analyses on anti-CMV (JgM) and anti-CMV (JgG). Results positive. Doctors speak to interrupt pregnancy, what is it threatens in 10 % with teratisms. What to do or make, whether there is an opportunity to give birth to the healthy child? Whether it is necessary to hand over the analysis to the husband? Thanks.

02.06.2004, 16:45
In occasion of CMV (cytomegalovirus) of opinion of doctors are divided or shared;parted. But at you very small term, therefore they also are afraid, that in development to not exclude defects (though, all can be and it is absolutely normal). I on your place for the beginning would hand over a smear on TSMV method PTSR and the PIF simultaneously. And then would proceed from results. Probably, it is necessary to consult with one doctor. If decide to give birth or travail - it will be necessary to do or make many analyses, screening (US). It is necessary to wait longly while will define or determine, whether there are defects. You do not hurry up, carefully consider all and consult with several experts. Even at the most complex or difficult situation, probably, the best variant will spend constantly inspection. And the husband let too will hand over the analysis. The picture can appear absolutely another if at it or him will be otrits. The answer. If will treat - I advise Valtreks. At me TSMV has become aggravated by 20 week (has appeared in a smear, by birth was otrits,) though vesgda was negative. It was treated, surveyed - it's OK. Analyses already good. And at many so happens with VPG and TSMV. Ahead of time not rastraivajtes.

04.06.2004, 07:13
In me on term of 10 11 weeks too have found out TSMV in blood Ig M - positive. Has decided to do or make abortion, t. To. A lot of awful has read through, doctors porasskazyvali, but have directed on consultation to infektsionistu, to genetikam on US. After more careful inspection infektsionist has told or said, that all depends on credits. Retook once again analyses IgM - positive, IgG - positive, in a smear - negative. Infektsionist has told or said, that it is not necessary even to think of abortion. It is necessary to bring down a few or a little;little bit credits. to. I felt normally, the uterus was not in a tonus, on US at infektsionistov too it's OK. prokolala intramusculary antitsmv an immunoglobulin of the person. Peresdala once again anlizy, credits have decreased. Under analyses from DNK-laboratories skzalai, what is it norm or rate. Sechas to us of 29 weeks. We hope, that all will manage.
Consult at infektsionistov and do or make good US. If feel normally, complaints are not present, give birth or travail. Only be more often observed at the doctor. Success to you.