Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, prompt, please, to me the gynecologist has appointed or nominated Hofitol from...

27.05.2004, 04:33
The dear doctor, prompt, please, to me the gynecologist has appointed or nominated Hofitol from edemas. A duration of gestation of 20 weeks. The analysis wet normal. Whether he is safe. How correctly to accept it or him? What else medical products can be accepted on the given duration of gestation from edemas

29.05.2004, 18:40
Hofitol to accept it is possible. The dosage is established or installed by the doctor. Usually appoint or nominate 2 tablets in day. Try to not accept medical products at all, I here recommend all tea for pregnant women HIPP, he normalizes job of an intestine and deduces or removes a superfluous liquid from an organism. At me when small puffiness has started to appear - he has very much helped or assisted me. Even 700 weights has dumped or reset. Success!

01.06.2004, 04:03
Hofitol accept at pregnancy for treatment and prophylaxis gestozov, rekomnduemyj a course 5 it is intravenously dropwise (if there is an opportunity) 5 7 + SIMULTANEOUSLY 2 3 In DAY 20

04.06.2004, 06:15
Not only. Hofitol also accept and in other cases (tabletirovannyj a method), basically, as auxiliary at struggle against an early toxicosis and primary displays possible or probable late (at serious problems even vnutirivenno).