Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Thanks for the answer. I the nearest 2 3 days will not manage to get...

03.06.2004, 21:54
Hello! Thanks for the answer. I the nearest 2 3 days will not manage to get to the doctor. Therefore I ask your reference. Ovidona with which I now have a menses (t. To. Was having rummaged in a cycle of reception), whether it is necessary To wait 4 tab. to me again for a menses after last tab.? Whether To accept again contraceptive (at me the spiral, costs or stands well)? Can, replace Ovidon, t. To. To me 41 year, heard, what he is not so shown at this age? Thanks, very much I look forward to hearing.

Soboleva L.I.
04.06.2004, 05:31
Hello! Drink up tablets, after wait menstrutsii. To drink in the further ovidon to you it is not necessary, and here for a regulation of a cycle I would recommend a phytotherapy or vitamins.