Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I write vtorichno-thanks for the answer, but I have forgotten to write, that m...

01.06.2004, 12:11
Hello! I write vtorichno-thanks for the answer, but I have forgotten to write, that to me 38 years and are my first pregnancy!
At me pregnancy of 25 weeks, but I have miomu-7 sm, I live in Spain. Yesterday have visited or attended the doctor and he has told or said, that at me all in porjadke-a myoma from above, and does not stir or prevent to natural sorts or labors, I shall give birth or I shall travail itself, and any cesarean to sections! (before it was observed at other doctor whom prognoziroval-cesarean) who is right? Very much I experience, as still I have also a myopia - 5, whether natural labors will affect or influence vision?

Malanova T.B.
04.06.2004, 04:29
You have a sum relative (not absolute, connected with risk for a life) indications to cesarean section: the first labors in 38 years, a hysteromyoma, a myopia. But, all depends on qualification akushera. You can be started up in labors through natural patrimonial ways. At the slightest deviation or rejection to make cesarean section.