Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, for two days prior to the beginning of monthly zabeermenit precisely not in...

03.06.2004, 12:46
Tell or Say, please, for two days prior to the beginning of monthly zabeermenit precisely not probably?

04.06.2004, 03:19
Any method of contraception at all does not give 100 % of a guarantee.
If you a regular cycle, this month did not have any strong perzhivany, exercise stresses ii stresses (all this can change time of an ovulation - an output or exit of an ootid and its or her readiness for a fertilization) the probability to become pregnant last days before a menses is very insignificant (though too exists). But offensive or approach of pregnancy even on a background mensrualnyh vydeleny is generally possible or probable.