Просмотр полной версии : Please, prokomentirujte results of the analysis which we handed over with the husband...

03.06.2004, 20:48
Please, prokomentirujte results of the analysis which we handed over with the husband on antibodies: izoimunnyh - 28 (norm or rate up to 15), autoimunnyh - 21 (norm or rate up to 10), hemolysins - 0, 56, the husband - 0, 75 (norm or rate from 0, 2 up to 0, 6). Thus it would be desirable to add, that at me 2 (-) group of a blood, at the husband 3 (+). Two years ago there was a spontaneous abortion on term of 8 weeks. Please, tell or say, to what these results and that it is necessary to undertake as we with the husband shortly plan pregnancy testify. Thankful in advance.

Kamenetskij B.A.
03.06.2004, 23:07
Comments here izlishni, t. To. You see, that results differ from norm or rate. Consultation of the immunologist before planned pregnancy Is required.