Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor tell or say please that to me to do or make; at me negative re...

02.06.2004, 12:36
The dear doctor tell or say please that to me to do or make; at me negative rezus-the factor, 29 years, in the past three abortions, pregnancy one year ago bore or took out but the child was lost during sorts or labors, now I on the third month, already two times there was a bleeding, the doctor has registered a pastel regimen and more than anything, and I am literally yesterday has learned or has found out that in such cases enter any preporaty, whether appoint or nominate treatment the truth it, the last pregnancy to me appointed or nominated only prgesteron for conservation. If it is possible describe please all on more detailed as as it is necessary pedprinjat If I shall lose also this child I I shall not go through. Zaranie thanks.

Talanova E.J.
03.06.2004, 16:57
The dear Lena!

In this case a question on purpose or appointment of treatment (by the way, a strict confinement to bed - the OBLIGATORY condition!) is accepted ONLY internally, and vrachom-by the gynecologist who conducts your pregnancy.