Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt, plz. If something is wrong in formulations, pr...

01.06.2004, 23:15
Hello! Prompt, plz. If something is wrong in formulations, forgive or excuse - not the physician...
Duration of gestation of 24 weeks.
At delivery of analyses in female consultation results were:
Blood: a hemoglobin 96; segmented 11
Other parameters in norm or rate
In urine: fiber 0, 033 and leucocytes 4 6 is found out
At measurement of arterial pressure on the left arm or hand was 110/70, on right - 130/80. One week before pressure jumped up to 150/100, but after 2 h tablets of Dibazolum on 0, 02 came to norm or rate. Three weeks prior to initial rise of pressure has put on weight 3 kg after that, for one week has grown thin for 1, 4 kg.
In female consultation have diagnosed: a toxicosis of II half of pregnancy (the pyelonephritis begins) and have directed to a hospital.
In a hospital in the analysis of urine have found out lithates, fiber have not found, but have told or said, that a bad smear (contains cells, cooks, leucocytes); have diagnosed: VSD on hypertonic type and kaltsit. Increases in weight for 4 re - are not present day of a hospital. Have appointed or nominated treatment: Dibazolum of 1 % 4 ml + no-shpa 2ml v/m two times day, an Euphyllinum 2, 4 % v/in 1 n once a day, magnesia v/m for the night; sedatives: Tinctura Crataegi + valerian drops + Leonurus + Corvalolum - all together on 1 ch. L. 3 and once a day. Pyracetamum 1* 2; Curantylum 50 mg* 3; suppositories terzhinan - 2 suppositories in day.
During 4 h days of treatment, pressure 130/80 identical on 2 h arms or hand also does not decrease.
Pyracetamum yet did not accept, t. To. He is counter-indicative at pregnancy.
In this connection to you questions:
1) what of diagnoses is more exact
2) whether it is necessary to accept Pyracetamum (whether he is dangerous to the child?)
3) whether it is possible to appoint or nominate instead of Dibazolum other antihypertensive, more effective and not rendering harm to the child (to summaries to Dibazolum it is written, that he causes reductions of a pregnant uterus).
Yours faithfully.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.06.2004, 14:41
1. I think, that VSD, but in view of an anemia and an individual proteinuria it is shown to US of kidneys + the analysis wet on nechiporenko and Zimnitskomu
2. NO, he did not pass or take place clinical tests at pregnant women
3. Yes, certainly - Haemitonum, Nifedipinum, noshpa, a papaverine....