Просмотр полной версии : Dobry day! At me such voprosb business in tomb that we with the husband for a long time want r...

30.05.2004, 11:15
Dobry day! At me such voprosb business in tomb that we with the husband for a long time want the child. But now such situation, he works and comes only in the extremity or end of month, for some days, and at me at that time or goes or comes to an end mens. A cycle. At me such question, whether it is possible zaberemennet in the extremity or end menst. A cycle when they only smear?

03.06.2004, 10:43
The greatest probability ber-ti in the middle of a cycle. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.