Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I in December accepted tablets " to Diana 35 ", and have passed or missed reception...

Svetlana, 29 years
01.06.2004, 22:25
Hello! I in December accepted tablets " to Diana 35 ", and have passed or missed reception of a tablet for 14 and 15 day of reception, (t. e. A break of reception - 48 hours), for 16 day in the morning I have accepted a tablet, but the bleeding has come or stepped. The remained 5 days of a cycle I continued reception preparata-a bleeding proceeded. Packing has ended, has come or stepped 7 dnevnyj a break priema-a bleeding proceeds (not strong). As a whole the bleeding goes 12 j day.
Prompt please, how long it can be and how to adjust a cycle? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.06.2004, 03:14
You did not need to do or make a break in reception of tablets, and at once to start to accept a preparation. Survey of the gynecologist is now shown and again to begin reception of a preparation. For a stopping of a bleeding the augmentation of dose OK can be demanded.