Просмотр полной версии : Hello the dear doctor! I had such situation. After udale...

02.06.2004, 07:22
Hello the dear doctor! I had such situation. After excision of a spiral in the second day of a menstrual cycle, the doctor has appointed or nominated treatment: 1) tsiprolet (2. In current of 5 days),
2) Trichopolum 3. In current of 5 days, 3) fljukostat. As contraception have appointed or nominated jarinu with 5 go day of a menses. Treatment has passed or has taken place, jarinu a propyl in current of 21 days. The menses has not come or stepped. To instructions to jarine it is written, that after a course the menses comes in 2 3 days. At me it or her is not present 6 days. What is it can be, if pregnancy as my treatment can negatively affect or influence it or her and jarina.
In advance thanks for the answer.

Shishkanova O.L.
03.06.2004, 03:11
Menstrualnopodobnaja reaction should be within 7 days after cancelling OK. If net-make the test for pregnancy (is on sale in any drugstore). In case of the negative test or dough on beremennost-continue reception OK under the scheme or plan. Such can be (see the instruction to JArine).