Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To the girlfriend have put garmonalnuju a spiral of new generation, skaz...

02.06.2004, 02:53
Hello! To the girlfriend have put garmonalnuju a spiral of new generation, have told or said, that the menses can be gone or to be not plentiful in general. M-tsii at it or her have stopped, and recently there were very strong pains. What would it mean? Thanks in advance

popenko. Century
02.06.2004, 19:59
Hello Natalia!
The reason of pains your girlfriend can have an inflammation, there can be an intolerance of a spiral...
In any case it is necessary for her to address to the gynecologist, for definition of the exact reason and purpose or appointment of necessary therapy.
Yours faithfully to. M. n. Popenko Elena Vasilevna.