Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Help or assist me, please! To Us 14 weeks, happen regular bo...

27.05.2004, 05:56
Good afternoon! Help or assist me, please! To Us 14 weeks, happen regular colpodynias - such pulling, today was so painfully irezko, seconds on 5 7. On conservation laid one week ago, US - excellent or different, have written out without complications. Have told or said, what is it - threat of an abortion. Vydeleleny krovjanistyh is not present, abdominal pains too are not present! What is it? Can, bones grow? I any more do not know what to do or make. At me besides adneksid 2 uh foreign and the herpes sexual without external displays, can, iz-for it or this such pains? Doctors speak all, that... More shortly, speak nothing! Help or assist me advice or council!
Devchenki, can, at someone the same problems? Thanks in advance for advice or council......

Malanova T.B.
31.05.2004, 01:55
Most likely, sosudisty pains. No pathology described by you, gives such pains.

02.06.2004, 14:22
Thanks for the answer. So it for the baby not terribly (not threat of an abortion)?
And how treatment of herpes sexual during pregnancy is made?