Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, respond, please. Your advice or council is very necessary. To me of 25 years. Sorts or labors and ab...

02.06.2004, 08:59
The doctor, respond, please. Your advice or council is very necessary. To me of 25 years. Sorts or labors and abortions were not. 4 years ago to me twice (with a break in 1 month) did or made krioprizhiganie erosions shejki uteruses. Has begun to live all ideally, according to the doctor. But right after this operation character monthly has changed. 1 2 days prior to their beginning and for 3 4 5 day after appear brown krovjanistye allocation. During the sexual certificate or act for 1 2 days before monthly there is a blood (nesilno and quickly stops). An endometriosis have not found out, no inflammatory diseases and so forth also are present troubles, including by results of analyses at a level of DNA. Monthly regular - a cycle of 28 29 days. Spazamticheskih pains practically are not present (only 1 2 hours per the first day monthly). Than such changes are caused or called? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
02.06.2004, 14:12
Most likely it is an initial stage vnutrennenogo an endometriosis (not always this stage is defined or determined on US) either an endocervicitis or an endometritis - those an inflammation mucous (it proves to be true an aspiration biopsy and a histology for 21 23 day of a cycle)