Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist please, very much I experience iz-for passed or taken place lcheni...

02.06.2004, 03:24
Hello! Help or assist please, very much I experience iz-for passed or taken place lchenija a gene. Herpes. From 26 27 weeks pricked the Immunoglobulin of credits. To a virus, potom-10. Suppositories Kipferon, zatem-suppositories Viferon. Though in instructions to lek-vu it is not told or said about contraindications at pregnancy, I worry, t. To. Recently has read through, that in a world or global practice nobody uses preparations of an immunoglobulin in pregnancy as relapse not the first, is protective antibodies. Whether that this treatment can kak-to affect or have an effect my baby, on its or his immunity? In advance you I thank.

02.06.2004, 13:15
skoree vsego ne opasno. Odnako vy absolutno pravu - vo vremya beremennosti ego redko primenaiut. esli chastyie recedivy - pomozhet profilaktika acyclovirom. No on tozhe ne sovetuietsya primenyat vo vremya beremennosti.