Просмотр полной версии : Little girls, tell or say when better "to please", please, the heads about n...

28.05.2004, 22:07
Little girls, tell or say when better "to please", please, the heads about intention to leave in the decree? I face delemoj - ahead of time to speak I do not want to not maleficiate, and that the some people did not envy.... And late too to tell or say, the chief will "stink", that it is necessary to search for the person on a place and so on.... Who can is here from chiefs and nachalnits? Prompt?!-)))

30.05.2004, 19:25
You are not obliged absolutely not govort by something to the chief up to the decree (sick-list), an another matter yours " a moral duty or debt " and attitudes or relations with the heads. If you wish to save good relations, that, I think, it is necessary to tell or say... And if to all of you it is peer, mozhite to put before the fact and in 7 months.

02.06.2004, 08:42
"To stink"? The formulation capable to push away an audience of chiefs...:-). The most reasonable to tell or say after 12 ti the weeks, the second trimester already safe. The normal chief will not disarrange all about your position but if you plan to return for this job a unique output or exit to warn in advance and to not put before the fact. Yes, really it is stress for the chief if you not simply pawn, but in advance having warned and having assured, that for preparation of change is enough time and you use the best efforts, moreover and will return in couple of months after sorts or labors... It will smooth not the pleasant moments, without dependence from your plans " after sorts or labors ". And you can easy finish, you will not compress with the premium and for certain will present from firm that nibud nice and necessary, tipo carriages;-)