Просмотр полной версии : I am am disturbed with an itch in a vagina, thus is not present vydeleny. Analyses nothing...

30.05.2004, 23:17
I am am disturbed with an itch in a vagina, thus is not present vydeleny. Analyses have shown nothing. At the partner as have found nothing. Doctors treat 2 years. Suppositories, antibiotics. Helps or assists exactly for a month. What to do or make I do not know, help or assist pozhalusta!!!

Malanova T.B.
31.05.2004, 07:35
And the diabetes mellitis at you is not present? If in smears (on flora, on ZPPP) anything is not present, by what principle treatment is appointed or nominated? Whether there were you at the dermatologist?

Malanova T.B.
02.06.2004, 07:12
The diabetes mellitis at me is not present. All nachilos that in the summer I was expiated in a reservoir during a menstrual cycle, using a wad. Through not which time at me the itch has begun and allocation (zheltovato-green color), me have registered antibiotics and have taken smears on flora. Analyses have shown nothing. I have passed or have taken place a course of antibiotics and in a month all has repeated. Has again handed over analyses (ZPPP), have found nothing. But t. To. In a vagina there was an inflammation - have appointed or nominated antibiotics. In a month all has repeated. At what with the partner contact was only through a condom. Me have put on inspections. Pricked vitamins. Analyses have shown nothing. Have registered tsikloferon (5 %), bathed in the sea - almost 2 months I lived easy. The itch has now begun, is not present any vydeleny. To the dermatologist did not address yet.