Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 25. It am investigated or researched in occasion of sterility or barrenness 1 (disturbance m/ts, a cat...

01.06.2004, 17:11
Hello. To me 25. It am investigated or researched in occasion of sterility or barrenness 1 (disturbance m/ts which at me always was). A cycle 27 31 day, for 5 7 days.
Several months ago suddenly began to appear black volosiki on a body (an anticnemion, forearms, a breast) and on the face (above a upper lip, in a nose). Have appointed or nominated a/to to hormones. Results:
On 3 d m/ts:
Prolactinum 16, 34 ng/ml (4, 35 40),
Progesteronum 41, 17 nmol/l (6, 4 89);
On 20 d/ts:
FSG 12, 69 mlU/ml (1, 37 30),
LG 2, 44 mlU/ml (0, 5 17),
Testosteron-Depotum 0, 92 nmol/l (0 5, 2),
Hydrocortisone 344, 54 nmol/l (138 635),
DHEA 4, 36 ng/ml (2, 1 10, 1).
Ginekolog-the endocrinologist has told or said, what there is nothing to carp, except for as to FSG (big parity or ratio FSG/LG - 5, 2). Than it can be caused or called?
As man's hormones in norm or rate (and I heard to what exactly their augmentation gives body height of hair on a body) prompt, please, that to me to undertake?
And more: in what days m/ts it is the most expedient to do or make US that the result was the most informative?
PS: One year ago surveyed shchitovidku - in norm or rate.

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.06.2004, 21:50
Endocrine disturbances is far not the unique reason of sterility or barrenness. There are certain algorithms of inspection of fruitless pair after which carrying out it is possible to draw a conclusion on the reason of sterility or barrenness and to appoint or nominate correct treatment. Within the limits of this forum questions concerning pilot survey are very often asked at sterility or barrenness. Below I would like to result or bring the list of inspection before carrying out of the treatment, recommended in the International Center Genesial Medicine (SPb). Naturally, at revealing any pathology this list can be changed:

Inspection of the husband:
1. spermogramma in view of 3 5 days of continence
2. Morphological research of spermatozoons on Kruger
3. Bacteriological research of an ejaculate

Inspection of the wife:
1. Research of a status of a uterus and permeability of uterine pipes a hysterography or a hysteroscopy and a laparoscopy
2. Analyses of a blood on FSG, LG, 2 (Oestradiolum), Prolactinum, Testosteron-Depotum, Progesteronum, 3, 4, TTG
3. Inspection of a blood on presence antispermalnyh and antifosfolipidnyh antibodies
4. The conclusions of narrow experts under indications
5. Bacteriological research of a material from a urethra and the cervical channel on chlamydias, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma

Except for the aforesaid before carrying out of procedure EKO (if it is necessary), we spend series of the researches necessary for carrying out of an operative measure.

Yours faithfully
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
In occasion of carrying out of procedure EKO you can address for the detailed information in the Center on bodies (812 3282251 or 3289822 (by the way at the link to the information received on this site, primary consultation will be free-of-charge)