Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. A question following: I plan pregnancy, has handed over smears...

31.05.2004, 07:51
Hello, the doctor. A question following: I plan pregnancy, has handed over smears in a paid out-patient department - leucocytes 120 (?), mycoplasmas are found out; has decided to descend or go in another (naslyshana that in paid all find something), leucocytes 25 30, flora good, anything else is not revealed (Trichomonases, gonokokki, key cells, chlamydias, kandida, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma and herpes), a difference between analyses - week. To that to believe, and whether often there are mistakes or errors. Can still or even kuda-nibud descend or go to be checked up? Doctors, I have noticed, at us do not approve such repetitions, type choose one doctor - and believe everything, that he speaks. It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion.

01.06.2004, 18:20
The dear Elena, most likely you handed over the first analysis right after to a menses, this status is optimum for delivery of analyses t. To. All infections available you become aggravated (it it is considered the analysis with provocation), if to hand over it or him later all parameters will be more sglazhenymi and will not show a real picture. So it is necessary to believe the first analysis, in any case, and in the second analysis it is too much leucocytes that (mycoplasma) so it is necessary to be treated, and at what doctor speaks about small inflammatory process, it you choose.