Просмотр полной версии : The doctor hello tell or say, we with the husband during 1, 5 years use...

28.05.2004, 11:54
The doctor hello tell or say, we with the husband during 1, 5 years use a method of preservation pervannyj the sexual certificate or act, and in safe days 3 days up to mnesjachnyhi 3 day not pridohranjaemsja in general, and umenja there is a question, I can is fruitless, or it is considered norm or rate, 2 years ago was ill or sick with a clamidiosis ureplazmoj and a mycoplasma, has recovered, handed over after that 4 times on all to an infection method PTSR all purely or cleanly, a smear on flora in norm or rate, vospoleny ovaries and appendages were not, recently did or made US have fixed or recorded education folikula on an ovary, monthly always to the day come as hours how will invent on such basis it is possible to speak about sterility or barrenness?

The anonym
01.06.2004, 04:17
Most likely, there are infections, ask: http: // larina. by. ru/

Kuharkin S.A.
01.06.2004, 17:38
Not the most reliable method, but vse-taki a method.