Просмотр полной версии : Little girls greetings! Likely many of you can respond me to a question. At men...

27.05.2004, 22:48
Little girls greetings! Likely many of you can respond me to a question. At me 10 weeks. The doctor the thrush has told or said that at me and we shall treat later. Tell or say to my husband too it is necessary to be treated or not. It seems to me that allocation at me have not changed with arrival of pregnancy, and we with the husband do not use a condom 3 years and any displays neither at me nor at it or him are not present. Tell or say a thrush it can be passed at oral sex. THANKS!!!

29.05.2004, 23:27
Katya, I not the doctor, but read, that doctors of pregnant women advise. And so. If nothing disturbs you, doctors do not advise in general anything to treat. If you are excruciated with a strong itch then, certainly, it is possible. Hardly the doctor would tell or say to you, what you will treat a thrush later if you were excruciated with an itch, yes? I had during pregnancy a thrush, such, that I was glad to cure it or her everything. The husband thus did not accept any measures. We did not use condoms. Any by for all time of a joint life I did not pass the thrush to him (though she at me was for this time of time 3). Once again I shall note, that I not the doctor:).

31.05.2004, 09:46
Really, without obvious displays of signs of a candidiasis (thrush): strong allocation, the itch, in treatment on early terms is not present necessity. In similar cases treatment is appointed or nominated after 20 oh weeks of pregnancy. During treatment and after it or him (to the partner course of treatment also is recommended) at sexual certificates or acts it is necessary to use a condom. Success.

01.06.2004, 12:39
And I yesterday was at the doctor and she to me has told or said that the husband for a thrush at pregnancy to treat it is not necessary. Because it is a pier not absolutely present or true thrush, and from change of a hormonal background. Though I had a period of an itch and plentiful vydeleny. Has helped or assisted registered by her or it tetraborat on Glycerinum and polizhinaks. The girlfriend Recently gave birth or travailled and has told or said that the main thing to treat a thrush before sorts or labors, and that is probability that to the child on mucous peredastsja. As actually at it or her also has occured or happened.
So if the thrush does not disturb - it is not necessary up to sorts or labors and to worry.:))