Просмотр полной версии : Hello dostor! Very much I require your help. 3 ago has made abor...

Julia of 25 years
01.06.2004, 01:21
Hello dostor! Very much I require your help. 3 ago has made abortion on malenklm term, problems with health did not feel, but having visited or attended genekologa I am in a shock. Last 3 months I am not protected, and to become pregnant it is impossible, have diagnosed - posleabortnyj a syndrome sclerocystic ovaries (secondary). Very much I ask you explain what is it such, and what my chances to become pregnant.

Soboleva L.I.
01.06.2004, 12:16
Hello, Julia! It is a lot of reasons of development of sclerocystic ovaries. Forms of disease also a little. The short of a pathology that ovaries under influence of hormonal reorganization undergo cystic changes, is absent an ovulation. Treatment of the given disease depends on the concrete form. It includes fortifying methods, influence on the central nervous system, hormonal therapy, stimulation of an ovulation. At an inefficiency operation is sometimes used laparoskopicheskaja. At the well-timed reference or manipulation to the doctor and treatment your chances to become pregnant in the future are high enough.