Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Consult please. Pregnancy of 20 weeks. Still up to...

29.05.2004, 06:48
Good afternoon! Consult please.
Pregnancy of 20 weeks. Up to pregnancy of an ENT diagnosed - a hypertrophic rhinitis. I offered operation, otkzalas. An exacerbation have removed or have taken off fizioprotsedurami - an electrophoresis with Dimedrolum and Sodium chloridum of a potassium.
And and a background of pregnancy again pawns a nose and if in the afternoon I still can breathe I drip Halazolinum at night, I try on one drop and in one nostril for a night. After visiting LORa during pregnancy, the doctor has told or said what to use drops it is impossible, and on a question as to me then to breathe at night, has written out Protargolum.
Dripped, result has not felt. The truth and Halazolinum (already children's) to drip has ceased
(It was frightened for the child) - nedelku has not had a sleep and like an organism has got used. And after small cold, there has again come or stepped a rhinitis, and I again drip for the night. My question - how much or as far as it is harmful to the child what consequences can be? In fact I drip in small doses - one drop in day, in one nostril, and in weak concentration. Can change these drops for any others? As to lay down on operation during pregnancy it would not be desirable at all. In the different literature inconsistent data write that to destination the doctor to drip it is possible, that in any case categorically is impossible. In detail to consult at LORa it has not turned out - the doctor has concerned is practically indifferent, has told or said just this disease is not contraindication of pregnancy and that a pier " it was necessary to think earlier, and now breathe as want ". After such attitude or relation again to go it would not be desirable absolutely. Here and I am excruciated, not only physically, but also morally - I experience that I harm to the child. Please, explain that I can make in this situation!!!
In advance thanks.

29.05.2004, 13:54
Try or Taste Naphthyzinum. My girlfriend only also was rescueed or saved;salvaged by it or him all pregnancy. Though doctors do not recommend to apply it or him more month.

30.05.2004, 02:08
There is such rastenie-a surgeon is called. It or he has also a scientific name, but I have forgotten. At it or him listiki on which edges or territories detki grow. That is suitable only which does not blossom (them 2-blossoming and not blossoming) Will take listik, will squeeze out juice and on a drop in each nostril. But consider make it only once. to such chih begins will not seem a little, will clean a nose at once. Do or make it in process of zalazhennosti a nose. Also remember, any medicines. It can really do much harm. And to these or it;this you can also vylechishsja.

31.05.2004, 03:10

01.06.2004, 06:24
Tanechka! Thanks! I have broken all head, recollecting its or his name. Precisely - kolanhoe plumose.