Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Alla Mihajlovna. At me term of 35 weeks. Today was on US...

30.05.2004, 14:06
Hello, Alla Mihajlovna. At me term of 35 weeks. Today was on US, the sizes of a fetus correspond or meet to term, but a placenta of 2 3 degrees of a maturity. Attributes of a hypoxia like would not notice, any special analyses in our city do not do or make. Like on a regular basis I would drink vitamins, has passed or has taken place course of treatment to prevent a hypoxia and a preventive course too passed or took place. There can be you will advise the most effective preparation for maintenance of a placenta up to sorts or labors? In advance thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.06.2004, 00:47
It is desirable to follow a policy treatment by Trentalum either hofitolom or aktoveginom, short, 10 days, then 7-10 days and again 10 days of treatment.