Просмотр полной версии : Dear Doctor Kamenetsky! Help or Assist to understand, please. 1, 5 years...

Azalea, 26 years
31.05.2004, 14:24
Dear Doctor Kamenetsky! Help or Assist to understand, please.
1, 5 years ago was a delay of a menstrual cycle on 4, 5 mes (before delays were in kol-ve no more than 6, maks. - 12 days). The analysis of a blood on hormones - FSG 13, 95; LG 15, 76; Prolactinum 253, 09; Progesteronum 21, 7. Fiziolecheniem have caused or called a menses and have appointed or nominated "ZHanin" in tech. 3 months After a course - the menses was not restored. US of any pathologies has not revealed (except for subsiroznogo site. 30 mm). The endocrinologist of deviations or rejections under analysis TTG has not revealed. Has again handed over a blood: FSG 9, 55; Prolactinum 208, 85; Progesteronum 14, 6; Testosteron-Depotum - 2, 14. Have caused or called a menses medikamentozno and with the fifth day have begun five-day course Klostilbegita: 1 months - on 50 mg. (US ascertained an ovulation for 15 day, the basal temperature is chaotic), 2 months - on 50 mg (US ascertained an ovulation for 18 day, bases. t-it is chaotic, for 15 day - an injection horeonicheskogo Gonadotropinum), 3 months - on 100 mg. (dop-but with 6 for 12 day - deksometazon on 0, 5). Pregnancy has not come or stepped. Now I at the crossroads. One doctor recommends to stop immediately treatment klostilbegitom and directs or refers on analysis DGEAS, the roentgenogram of a skull and US shchitovidki (speaks, that treatment is spent incorrectly). The doctor who has appointed or nominated this treatment, recommends to continue reception klostilbegita with addition djufastona 3 more month, not doing or making a break. The dear doctor, advise, that to me to do or make.

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.06.2004, 00:42
Azalea! Well at once I can tell or say to you, what even proceeding from data of your report you do not have any indications for such researches as: the roentgenogram of a skull, uzi a thyroid gland. For specification of the reason giperandrogenii carrying out of research DGEAS can be made, t. To. It can affect or influence therapy appointed or nominated to you. As if to stimulation she can be continued, but more than 6 months. Etsutstvie effect will be javljatsja the basis for expansion of inspection, and it is possible or probable also changes of tactics of treatment. Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO/IKSI you can
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