Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, such question. To me have registered from a mycoplasma, ureoplazmy and a candidiasis:...

31.05.2004, 09:44
The doctor, such question. To me have registered from a mycoplasma, ureoplazmy and a candidiasis: junidoks 1-2 in d., Trichopolum 2-2 in d., 1-2 in d., all this of 10 days and all tablets after meal. For 11 day 1 tablet medoorejukon or something in this sort, I can not disassemble. And in these or it 11 days, and further in current of month kandimin 1-2 in day during meal. A question the first, I not absolutely remember as correctly to drink kandimin, the next 20 days after 11 days of treatment, or and during treatment, and posle-that is 30 days? And a question of the second, whether it is possible to replace kandemin something, he very dear or expensive, and he as to me have told or said is protection? Thankful in advance for the answer

31.05.2004, 22:25
Yes, and more voprosik, not nuzhnoli any candles in additives to all lekarstam, or that to me have registered that enough? Once again thanks