Просмотр полной версии : I wrote to you about the disease on April, 27th. Whether you ask only VPG at...

27.05.2004, 14:52
I wrote to you about the disease on April, 27th. Whether you ask only VPG me or still something. VPG-it is genital herpes? If yes, the smear, made has shown me (I do not know what it is a method) positive reaction to a virus of herpes and more kandidy (thrush). But at this time, when to me did or made a smear at me was gerpesnoe a rash in a nose (iz-for colds). The genital rash is not present. I already consulted at two doctors, besides the observing doctor, and both of them to me have told or said, that treatment in this case is not necessary Rovamycinum, neither kipferonom, nor tsikloferonom. I wish to know your opinion. Thanks.

30.05.2004, 22:39
Come on a site www. herpes. ru (blanks to clean or remove) and you will understand, that the herpes - are incurable, therefore "to treat" its or his antibiotics simply the main thing of effect is no point also. Everything, that it is necessary to do or make is to be surveyed carefully in the extremity or end of pregnancy. If at this time you will have rashes it is possible to have a drink atsiklovir or dr. SPECIAL medicines for herpes (but not antibiotics) simply to clean or remove rashes before sorts or labors. And if they will not disappear, will make cesarean. And now - easy bear pregnancy, at you is not present no trouble.

31.05.2004, 22:13
I remember your question, I responded you then. No trouble At you is not present. 95 % of the population carriers or bearers VPG. The main thing that you did not have rashes on genitals (in this case appoint or nominate cesarean). Simply pregnancy is in any case depression of immunity. Here VPG also has appeared. Just in case can hand over a blood on forms Ig and IgG.