Просмотр полной версии : My doctor at recent routine inspection has told or said, that my last...

31.05.2004, 00:34
My doctor at recent routine inspection has told or said, that my last cycle was not avuljatornym (I ask izvenit if the conclusion is not correctly formulated) We with the husband very much would like to get or start the child in the near future. I feel normally, genekologicheskih deviations or rejections is not revealed, but the phrase " not ovulatory " has forced me to worry. Perhaps prnedydushchie cycles beat mine same. That you will advise. Whether probably for prophylaxis poprinimat any agent stimulating an ovulation? My doctor has told or said, that is not necessary yet - if there will be problems in the further then shall think. But very much it would not be desirable to wait and tighten or delay with beremennomtju. In advance to you it is grateful.

Maljarskaja M.M.
31.05.2004, 17:23
Prophylaxis - vitamins. To watch or keep up and the nobility - measure on a regular basis rectal temperatuuru If something will not turn out, you priedte to the doctor with available data of temperature and to him it will be easier