Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! About 1 year ago in me have found out a cyst right jai...

30.05.2004, 14:19
Hello, the doctor! About 1 year ago in me have found out a cyst of the right ovary. Went on fizio-treatment about one month. Have then told or said, that at me all would resolve" jako. But the doctor has registered to drink hormonal tablets. I drink their year (all over again novinet, iz-for intermenstrual vydeleny has passed on mersilon, then on mikroginon). 2 weeks ago did or made uzi, like all vporjadke. Consultations of my attending physician each time come to an end with that she speaks me to come when I shall want to give birth or travail to the child and to continue to drink tablets till this time. My friend the doctor has told or said to stop to drink tablets 1 month, and to look or see, that will be within a month. Hormones - same anything good, at me have started to grow hair even more. On you one hope at present - that you will tell or say, whether I can accept contraceptive? Whether Are they the unique preparation protecting development of a cyst? Zaraneee it is grateful.
P. S. I probably earlier asked to you this question, do not pass or miss it or him, please, once again:-)

Soboleva L.I.
31.05.2004, 16:47
Hello, Nastja! You are absolutely not right, when speak, that " Hormones - same anything good ". After treatment rest is really necessary to your ovaries and provide it or him only hormonal contraceptives can. If you are disturbed with superfluous body height of hair it is possible to pick up a suitable preparation - he will help or assist to cope giperandrogeniej. Basically at present you can stop reception of a preparation (better it vse-taki to coordinate or agreee;compound with the attending physician) under condition of regular observation at the gynecologist. If contraceptives again will be necessary, the doctor will inform you on it or this.