Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please here in what question: I do not remember when (pr...

27.05.2004, 20:37
Hello, prompt please here in what question: I do not remember when (approximately 2 3 years ago I on shejke uteruses had an inspissation (as a grain of millet, to the touch firm and painless), I did not pay on its or her attention, then I zaberemennela, all analyses good, venenricheskimi illnesses or diseases never hurted (all checked), and my doctor too has not turned any attention on this "grain", after sorts or labors has passed or has taken place 1 year and here this month after monthly I had one more "grain" near to the first and she precisely same as well as the first. Has and more appeared on a small sexual labium (as priyshchik) but morbid, not red, soft (to tell the truth I could rub with a lining?). But me disturbs those "grains" on shejke. What is it can be? In fact gave birth or travailled recently with 1 oh and nobody has paid attention. To the doctor to descend or go unfortunately I can not yet (there is nobody to leave children). Thankful in advance for the answer.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
31.05.2004, 09:56
Without survey it is impossible to tell or say what is it. How to appear time, go to the doctor, it is necessary to make a colposcopy.