Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! I vse-taki have gone and have checked up with what svjaz...

30.05.2004, 22:42
Hello, the dear doctor!

I vse-taki have gone and have checked up with what are connected appeared allocation after treatment of a pyelonephritis. Has checked up kidneys, a bladder, a uterus - all in norm or rate, except for the left ovary (the capsule is condensed, 4330, at a rib of a uterus, structure or frame usual) - put a link sided oophoritis. On nechiporenko urine: leucocytes 1, 0, erythrocytes 0, 8, cylinders are not present (all that there is).
mikroskopich. Research ON:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Parameter shejka uteruses a vagina a urethra

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Leucocytes (in item zr.) 45 50 (in slime) 8 10 1 2
Epithelium (in item zr.) individual kl-ki a plenty
Microflora p and l about ch to about in and d n and I
Slime much small kol-in

gon., trih., kandida., kljuchev. Cells - not obnoruzheny.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

But at me have found a mycoplasma spetsies, what is it such? I know about a mycoplasma, but about its or her such version of the information in an Internet was not present. And doctors speak, that she causes an inflammation of an ovary in me.
I in a shock, t. To. We with the partner lovers adoring each other. And nevertheless we hand over analyses everyone a floor of year on PTSR. We want the child, all we shall not ripen finally. Anything never was, and here suddenly.
I understand, that it is necessary to be treated and to both. But at me in On-clinics where I have spent diagnostics (9000 r.) appoint or nominate treatment antibacterial + antiviral (it is found out papiloma-virus HPV 16/18, HVP 31/33 (and what is it such and what digits mean?) + a magnetic physiotherapy. A total sum to me have named 24 000 rub (considering medicines which they there give out). I am certainly glad to give all for health, but whether not too it for simple treatment of a mycoplasma and papilomma-a virus??? And if to consider, that the partner too needs to be treated, the sum to become other-wordly. I do not believe, that only the richman can cure the given diseases. I already clean all the reserves and what now to do or make mind or wit I shall not put or apply.
That of me did not make a fool there, I would hand over on sensitivity to a/. I wait now for it or her.
On posledok the doctor has told or said, if body height small will treat it or her we shall not be. And before (before I have wanted ch. To and) insisted on treatment.

By the way, HPV speak will treat intravenous injections, I am afraid.
And still speak, that the partner should hand over all on PTSR (15 pieces), a blood to antibodies: MV, HSV 1 and 2 types, Trihomonas vag. Have counted to him 4, 5 thousand. It is obligatory?? He at me everyone a floor of year surrenders, and in it or this to year, already, three times PTSR did or made. All is pure or clean. Really it is not enough of me for treatment. Well, and if at it or him will not reveal - we all the same shall pass or shall take place treatment together.

Here, still a question uncommon. I know, that mycoplasmas and in a mouth live. Whether it means, that I need to replace a brush, cosmetics and t. Item?

Thanks you zarenee. Also excuse me, that I bother...


Malanova T.B.
31.05.2004, 08:03
JUlja! The Letter desperate, but very sober. You are right, treatment certainly on the order is cheaper, besides pathogenic I did not meet such kind of a mycoplasma. The magnetotherapy in your situation is not necessary. So JUlja, to you to solve what to do or make.