Просмотр полной версии : At mine budujushchego the husband an epilepsy. At it or him three younger sisters, one of them-...

27.05.2004, 23:16
At mine budujushchego the husband an epilepsy. At it or him three younger sisters, one of them - also suffers an epilepsy. And this or thus congenital since the childhood. Whether it means, what at it or him an epilepsy of hereditary character? Its or his family tried to find out about presence of the given disease from several previous generations, to find sick of it or him it was not possible. Whether he increases or is enlarged, having in view of, what the sister of the husband also is sick of an epilepsy? Whether can be, what the epilepsy at two children in their family has grown out a combination of genes of parents? And if this strongly pronounced hereditary disease, what risk of transfer of the given disease to our possible or probable children.

28.05.2004, 20:22
Svetlana! U menia analogitcnaia problema i ia ichu vsu vozmognuu informaciu po etomu zabolevaniu. Esli xotite, to mogete sviazatsia so mnoi po e-mail: facteur777@yandex. ru
S uv., Tatiana

29.05.2004, 08:07
Svetalana! Vot 2 konsultacii, tchto ia polutchila segodnia. Ia budu derjat vas v kurse. Mogete mne napisat e-mail. Tchto vu uznali ob etoi bolezni?
Gorbatov D. January, 16th 2003 17 : 24 : 26
Hello, Tatyana! Epilepsies are subdivided or sectioned into two greater or big groups: 1) a genuinical epilepsy 2) the symptomatic forms of the epilepsy caused by transferred or carried brain injuries, a neuroinfection, an intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic), etc. The second group of epilepsies is not passed by right of succession. In the first group, separate cases of hereditary transfer of disease can be observed. Whether there is in your case a risk of transfer of this suffering and what its or his percent or interest, I do not know. You can receive more exact information on a question interesting you at the attending physician of your friend and the doctor mediko-genetic consultation.
Pronin D.A. January, 16th 2003 17 : 08 : 52
Illness or Disease, and predisposition to her is passed not. Recently the popular belief, that an epilepsy arises at a combination of hereditary predisposition and additional harmfulnesses, for example: cherepno-cerebral traumas, infectious lesions of the central nervous system, psihotravmy. Development of an epilepsy in the child is More probable, both of which parent are sick (the epileptic illness or disease which has developed without the visible reasons; a posttraumatic epilepsy and the more so a convulsive syndrome, - are not considered).

The anonym
30.05.2004, 16:11
Come on http: // larina. by. ru/, she gives the exact information and is free-of-charge!

Kuznetsova E.A.
31.05.2004, 07:36
Genetic predisposition participates in development of an epilepsy, but the mechanism of transfer, unfortunately, is not known. Disease often meets in a population. On the average 1 person from 20 times during lives has transferred or carried an epileptic attack, he can be shown in the form of a short-term loss of consciousness and not all this even realize. Among the reasons - also virus infections, traumas, toxic influence.