Просмотр полной версии : To me 32 years. All hormones in norm or rate, only Progesteronum on the bottom border of norms or rates...

30.05.2004, 19:37
To me 32 years. All hormones in norm or rate, only Progesteronum on the bottom border of norm or rate, as consequence or investigation kototkaja the second phase. Today 12 day after an ovulation (traced on uzi, for break of a follicle did or made once nyxis HGCH). I insert in the morning and in the evening utrozhestan. BT it is stable 37.2. Today in the morning brown smears IT ON UTROZHESTANE!!!!! Never such was, always begin for 4 day after the termination or ending of reception At. Besides BT 37.2!!!!!!! Too at such BT the M, never began. On frau-the test or dough;father-in-law hardly appreciable second stria. What is it? If this beginning monthly, why for 8 day of reception utrozhestana? Whether to continue to me stavljat utrozhestan?

Kamenetskij B.A.
31.05.2004, 06:09
Occurrence of the second stria can be connected either with pregnancy, or with perekresnoj reaction to introduction HGCH Is better to spend a blood analysis on HGCH.