Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me have made abortion (8 weeks, zamerzhshaja pregnancy). After and...

27.05.2004, 07:05
Hello! To me have made abortion (8 weeks, zamerzhshaja pregnancy). After abortion there was a small bleeding which has ended in two days. But after an one-day "pure or clean" break (just this day I was at the doctor which has told or said, that that's all right) have begun bledno-rozovo-brown allocation which 4 days last. They not plentiful, but nevertheless they are and do not think yet to stop. In the rest I feeling well. The doctor, prompt, whether costs or stands to me worries or such meets? Thanks you.

Malanova T.B.
31.05.2004, 02:09
It is better to see to it, as after the stood pregnancy often there are endometritises. It is desirable to follow a policy of antibacterial therapy and a physiotherapy.