Просмотр полной версии : As anabolic steroids influence conception, pregnancy and in general on zdor...

29.05.2004, 18:31
As anabolic steroids influence conception, pregnancy and in general on health of the future child. I want the child, but the husband does not wish to refuse reception of steroids, and "dirty". Whether it is necessary to risk in advance or it is not too important, the main thing that I was healthy?

30.05.2004, 16:18
Know, recently too thought of this problem. My pier. chel too accepts steroids. Read in an Internet repeatedly, what even during a course the conceived children healthy are born. But all the same I consider or count, it is necessary to wait for the extremity or end of a course of steroids... So it is more safe. And then still the extremity or end of use of preparations for a liver...