Просмотр полной версии : Whether you how much is can prompt US on term of 20 weeks in Scientific cent...

28.05.2004, 08:53
Whether you how much is can prompt US on term of 20 weeks in the Centre of science of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatologii Russian Academy of Medical Science (on Oparin). And how there to get?

29.05.2004, 06:08
I, the truth, was on term of 15 weeks, but, I think, the difference is not present. Preliminary it is not necessary to call there - simply you come to 9 mornings and you speak the nurse, that you on paid uzi and to itself wish to enter the name. Personally by my gynecologist professor Stygar Arcady Mihajlovich has been recommended to me. Me to it or him;them also have written down. Cost of procedure - 350 r. - to mine if the professor even will be cheaper examines not. You expect longly enough - poltora-two hours per a lobby, but there is where to sit down. Reserve by the book.:) I took with myself a diaper and a condom, but it was not useful to me - there all is. It seems, as it is usual, the passport and the policy, and more than any documents is necessary. Like, all. Successes!

Kasabulatov N.S.
30.05.2004, 11:17
Olga, US in NTS obstetrics and ginekoogii the doctor of sciences costs or stands 350., simply doctor of 250 roubles. Come to an out-patient department in kab. 2042, speak that on US (the doctor, kmn, DMN), pay and with naprvleniem go n research. If you will come with a direction from female konsulttsii on US and consultation in our Center (with the passport and an insurance policy) to you will free of charge get or start a map, will give a direction on one free-of-charge US and consultation of the expert. To not sit in turn, come better at 13 15 o'clock, except for ponedelgika and Tuesday (at this time happens - more freely).