Просмотр полной версии : Being in long zagrankomandirovke, it has been compelled or forced to undergo operas...

A.N., 53 years
29.05.2004, 20:26
Being in long zagrankomandirovke, it has been compelled or forced to undergo to operation a diagnostic currettage (indications: chastye-each 12 days - bleedings plus a myoma of the small sizes). The postoperative diagnosis: endometrio de tipo proliferativo. The doctor has told or said, that they recommend the patients excision of a uterus as " itself will not pass or not take place ". And what our doctors advise? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.05.2004, 09:15
No, if there is no atypia, we recommend therapy by Progestinums (levonorgestrel, Norethisteronum and tp) or antiGonadotropinums. If there are atypical cells in soskobe then operative treatment - either a resection endometrija is desirable, or excision of a uterus