Просмотр полной версии : Yesterday the analysis of a blood has shown will put. The answer to long-awaited pregnancy (on t...

29.05.2004, 08:27
Yesterday the analysis of a blood has shown will put. The answer to long-awaited pregnancy (on the test or dough;father-in-law only it was visible almost imperceptible polosochka), but the doctor has told or said that while early to be pleased as level HGCH very small (from the date of an ovulation of 17 days) It is necessary to wait and has appointed or nominated to me reception only in 2 weeks. I live in Belgium and at them the principle of non-interference that is that be to not pass that and if there will be an abortion operates or works, the embryos defective or incomplete, etc. means
But I wish to help or assist small! Not old analysis on hormones as has told or said the doctor, has shown that all in norm or rate, Progesteronum too.
And what if to use Utrozhestan, I have a packing, but I never used? Whether there Are contraindications, if own hormones like the order (I would write vrode-as at them here the norm or rate is very relative +-)?? Whether I Can do much harm?
What it is possible to make in my situation? And if to use No-SHpu (in tablets) and suppositories of a papaverine that how much? And that can that still?
Plus me disturbs constant nojushchaja a back pain and in the bottom of a stomach or belly.
Please help or assist!

Ryazanov And.
30.05.2004, 03:45
Alain! Most likely you really have a threat of an abortion. Term of 5 6 weeks - boundary if the germ is defective, he cannot develop. Utrozhestan to drink it is not necessary, it or him usually appoint or nominate at the confirmed failure of Progesteronum. As I understand, at you Progesteronum in norm or rate. Try to rely on destiny, as though it for you was serious. Believe, many appeared in such situation, and then normally gave birth or travailled to healthy children. I can advise to drink to you vitamin E on 200 400 units in day and Acidum folicum on 2 2 times a day. If vse-taki there will be an abortion, before following conception continue to drink these vitamins. Success!