Просмотр полной версии : Two years ago me were going to to operate with the diagnosis " a cyst right jaichni...

29.05.2004, 05:06
Two years ago me were going to to operate with the diagnosis " a cyst of the right ovary ". Before operation have suggested to try or taste course of treatment marvelonom. In three months on uzi a cyst have not found out. Dvo year periodically I accepted hormonal contraceptive preparations (regividon, marvelon). Now to me 24 years and I, planning pregnancy, have stopped reception of preparations 3 months ago. Last 2 months at me are observed pains in the field of the right ovary and failures of a cycle for 710 days. The gynecologist at survey has told or said, that at me the cyst on the right is probed or palpated, but on US 1 one month ago have found out nothing (US passed or took place owing to a long delay of a cycle).
The dear doctor, me interests a question if I now zaberemenneju, whether it will be dangerous to the child?
Thankful in advance,

Malanova T.B.
30.05.2004, 03:20
What prevents to make to you US? If it is a functional cyst pregnancy nothing stirs or prevents. And if other education which should be deleted? It is necessary to find out a situation.