Просмотр полной версии : Hello, we with the husband plan to get or start the child. But at me is nekotory...

29.05.2004, 03:16
Hello, we with the husband plan to get or start the child. But I have some fears. In the past I long time was treated for chlamydias and trihomoniaza. Last time analyses were good, leucocytes happened are slightly raised or increased, and even at all in norm or rate. But allocation and do not stop. Medicines and injections the huge quantity or amount is accepted. Nothing disturbs the husband.
And at me stones in kidneys from both parties or sides.
We wish to get or start the child. Whether I will affect or influence allocation its or his development? Whether pregnancy is dangerous at stones in kidneys?

The anonym
30.05.2004, 03:10
The dear doctor, I know that my report is sent more recently, but I experience that you can it or him casually prpustit as receive many reports. I hurry you as I plan to try to become pregnant in the near future. Please, familiarize with my case history. Yours faithfully, Elly