Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Have diagnosed erosion shejki uteruses (the size of 3* 5 sm), a wire...

Julia, 20 years
28.05.2004, 12:54
Good afternoon.
Have diagnosed erosion shejki uteruses (the size of 3* 5 sm), spent the expanded colposcopy, onkotsitogramma cancer cells has not shown. Have appointed or nominated cryotherapy. A question: whether it is necessary to cauterize erosion or there are any other methods of treatment? What consequences of cauterization? Thanks

Malanova T.B.
30.05.2004, 02:44
Up to a cryolysis to you should make a biopsy shejki uteruses. It objujazatelnoe a condition. Other variants of treatment are not present.