Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor. Please, help or assist advice or council. At strong pains in n...

29.05.2004, 06:12
Good afternoon, the doctor. Please, help or assist advice or council. At strong pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly (not constants, and at a frigorism) has gone to the gynecologist and to the urologist simultaneously. The uterus at me always has been a little increased, a menses always plentiful and irregular. On signs of some morbidity at survey, presence of slime and a plentiful menses the gynecologist diagnostsirovala an endometritis, has registered a heap of medicines. The urologist has found a chronic cystitis (analyses good, but cystoscopy has shown the started inflammation mucous) and has offered a course of local treatment (oblepihovoe butter or oil, the synthomycin (seems). Ka to me to be - it is possible or probable, the first dignoz is not absolutely exact, and business, really, in a cystitis? Not so it would be desirable to drink a superfluous heap of tablets. And more - whether the ureaplasmosis (two times treated - I can not cure) can to cause these pains or a cystitis and how in general it is better to me to be treated? In advance it is very grateful.

Pasenjuk A.M.
29.05.2004, 23:39
The ureaplasmosis can cause an inflammation of a uterus and a cystitis. Purpose or appointment of antibiotics in a combination with immunomoduljatorami and a physiotherapy is necessary then to solve the problem on necessity of treatment at the urologist.