Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte, many thanks for the answer. Help or assist, please still. In it or this tsi...

29.05.2004, 06:57
Zdravstujte, many thanks for the answer. Help or assist, please still.
In this cycle I accepted Microfollinum on 1 tab with 3 9 day and then djufaston with 11 for 25 day on 1 tab 2 times a day - unlike the previous cycles which were anovulatory, but with dominantym a follicle and the second phase, this cycle was without the House. A follicle and monophasic - temperature all 26 days 36, 7 36, 8 (two times has risen up to 37, 1 - but I drank on the eve wine). On a background of reception djufastona last 4 days - that is with 21 for 25 day - were very dark allocation - a little, but almost black blood. Up to the extremity or end all taki has drunk up, today 26 day - mesjach is not present, only this black botched work. Tell or say please - whether there can come or step now at me a menses, that is begin an amenorrhea? Before the cycle always was regular. Could reception of estrogens and progestagenov to damage and break or injure and break;hurt and break;damage and disturb;injure and disturb hormonal balance? My doctor to me has told or said that reception was wrong, but no trouble - is simple as at hormonal contraceptive, and it can make effect of a cancelling. Your advice or council is very necessary to me!
In advance I thank.

Kamenetskij B.A.
29.05.2004, 22:03
Do not worry. If before the cycle was regular after a cancelling of a preparation monthly will come (as a rule in 2 3 days after a cancelling).