Просмотр полной версии : At me a hypoplasia of a uterus, me of 25 years, children are not present. Whether I can become pregnant. Ka...

21.05.2004, 17:09
At me a hypoplasia of a uterus, me of 25 years, children are not present. Whether I can become pregnant. What sredsva can help or assist me with it or this if that is possible national. Please tell or say to me, I in despair. I wish to have the kid and every month when critical days to me very badly and hardly, it seems that there has come or stepped a doomsday. Help or assist!!!!!

22.05.2004, 17:57
It is possible to remove or take off from you DECAY, but she professional, strong. My friend can. The malefice, is realized. And not realized program on you. I all can remove or take off it, but it is necessary to change outlook.

23.05.2004, 03:54
What it for the program? How it is possible to make it, through whom?. I went to the grandmother, from me removed or took out decay, but something of results is not visible. What means to change mirovozzrenrie?

23.05.2004, 17:14
No, any babka here will not help or assist. Well, my assistant will write to you.

24.05.2004, 21:53
JAsnovidjashchaja! But as I can communicate with you if I far from you live. You probably are in Moscow? Thanks!

26.05.2004, 00:28
You were written by the assistant!? To me all peerly, WHERE DO YOU LIVE, I work distantsionno.

26.05.2004, 05:19
Oksana! You that do not understand, that "JAsnovidjashchaja" is at all SERYOZNO!

The anonym
26.05.2004, 09:21
Here to you and "neseryozno", here it or her already for a long time the out-of-date portrait: http: // www. irinushka. ad-store. ru/html/1043. htm

26.05.2004, 13:24
Thanks for the link, esteemed with interest. It seemed to me, the author and itself hardly understands about what she writes. Interestingly, it, what really " the out-of-date portrait " present "JAsnovidjashchej"? Why "JAsnovidjashchaja" itself persistently is silent about itself but only puts not clearly on what the based or founded;established diagnoses, to people whom never saw and only from their words? I repeat is NOT SERYOZNO!

27.05.2004, 05:49
JAsnovidjashchaja how to contact your friend. Which I type or collect the address, is not typed or collected. Writes it is impossible to display page. And your friend can be to me and has written, but I do not know where for this information to search. On the Internet I recently and as it or him;them to use I still plainly do not know. Thanks that you wish to help or assist me!
Anna! I with pleasure would address to the doctor, and I address. At me in a card it is written down: starorodka. There are on inspection 7 years and any results! Here so!

27.05.2004, 10:24
Oksana, is very a pity to me, that your present doctors cannot help or assist you. You need to change the doctor and to find REALLY GOOD DOCTOR in Moscow. As a last resort, if you already at all do not believe doctors or not an opportunity to arrive to Moscow, find the PRESENT or TRUE HEALER, instead of trust in doubtful types from the Internet. What do you know about this "JAsnovidjashchej", who she, whence? It in general can be the DANGEROUS maniac!

27.05.2004, 18:49
Well, Anna, that you can advise me. To you I cannot arrive to Moscow. Far and dearly or expensively.

28.05.2004, 10:54
Oksana if you really wish to address to the healer, instead of to the doctor I have found for you the list of healers with their photos, brief resumes and phones. Type or collect this line http: // ps777. narod. ru/KONF/10. htm in window Adress. Very much I hope, that you will find among them the PRESENT who can really help or assist you.

29.05.2004, 17:28
Oksana, at sending my previous report the computer has set blanks in the link on which I have recommended to you to come. The address of the link needs to be typed or collected without blanks. If it will not turn out, write.