Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Advise me, please, what oraln. A contraceptive (and...

29.05.2004, 11:08
Advise me, please, what oraln. The contraceptive (and whether it it is possible) to me can be accepted.
It is a little anamnesis: to me 25 years, I do not smoke. Has given birth in 23 years, cesarean section. During operation the doctor has found out a myoma of a bottom or fundus matki-in the size about 9 mm. For the past 2 years (as has shown US) its or her sizes have not changed.
During short feeding by a breast in left moloch. To iron or gland as a result molokostaza it was formed small soedenitelno-woven inspissation. Mammolog has registered immunostimuljator and an iodide potassium; after reception of the last at me it was stabilized menstr. The cycle, but then he a table to be stretched or be dragged out and the pilosis on legs or foots has increased and I have ceased to accept it or him.
In October, 2001 I have had been ill salmonellyozom which consequence was nespetsif. A ulcerative colitis. Therefore to me it was necessary to accept 4, 5 months Prednisolonum (has finished reception in March 2002.); as a result of a hormonetherapy I have strongly recovered. Now I try to grow thin up to norm or rate.
Also at me a myopia of a high degree, ugrevaja an eruption.
It would be desirable to get rid from pryshchikov, the raised or increased pilosis to have 100 % confidence of a contraceptive, and to save gormonal. Balance of an organism.
Respond me, please, to mine e-mail (jokamd@yahoo. com). In advance thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
29.05.2004, 17:09
Ideal preparota does not exist. Try or taste Diane-35.