Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Prompt please! Whether It is possible to become pregnant at proctal or anal...

Marina of Century
28.05.2004, 11:26
The dear doctor! Prompt please! Whether It is possible to become pregnant at the proctal or anal sexual certificate or act if to not be protected and whether it is necessary? And what attributes except for absence of a menses can be at pregnancy? I very much worry! Has made the test up to a delay (for 2 days earlier) - has shown that pregnancy is not present. Whether it is possible in this case for him "to believe"? In advance thanks!!!!

Shishkanova O.L.
29.05.2004, 13:58
1. Yes, though the probability is small. 2. No, it is necessary to repeat at presence of a delay (read the instruction to the test or dough).