Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I that Galina, ktoraja asked about genital...

28.05.2004, 02:00
Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I that Galina, ktoraja asked about a genital infantilism. You have registered to me glutaminovuju, Acidum folicum and vitamin C. Tell or say, how these acids can affect or influence my illness or disease. And what treatment is necessary to become pregnant?
And more a question: would like to check up once again, whether really at me genit. infant-the m. As need to be made it? To pass or take place US, how for the first time? And what probability of what the diagnosis will be correct? In advance spaisbo

Pasenjuk A.M.
29.05.2004, 07:32
Has not registered, and recommended are different things.
For specification of the diagnosis vypoljaetsja US + anliz bloods on hormones.
It is necessary for offensive or approach of pregnancy, that ovaries normally function and there was an adequate readiness of a uterus for implantation of an ootid. Purpose or appointment glutaminovj, folic and ascorbic acids usually normalizes function of genitals. At vyrazhenno minfantilizme genitals or genitalias estrogens are appointed or nominated.