Просмотр полной версии : pozh-that help or assist to understand. To me 33 years. We try to become pregnant the second reb...

28.05.2004, 14:16
pozh-that help or assist to understand. To me 33 years. We try to become pregnant the second child since December. To our son of 6 years (cesarean). Monthly began to be late strongly and there were more poor or scantier (there were 28 30 days, and steel up to 40), thus is strong vzduvaetsja a stomach or belly. Survey at the doctor, and also smears and hormones on 3 j any deviations or rejections have not revealed day of a cycle. US has found out a myoma 1. What following steps to undertake and in what there can be a problem? Whether the late ovulation can cause not offensive or approach of pregnancy? US has revealed folikul 17 mm for 16 day of a cycle.

Irtuganov N.S.
29.05.2004, 07:16
Dear Majja! Conservation of an ovulation - a favorable attribute. Absence of deviations or rejections from norm or rate at hormonal inspection does not exclude disturbance of endocrine function of ovaries. You need to be observed and spend treatment under observation endokrinologa-the gynecologist. If you live in Moscow - can write to me the letter for carrying out of internal consultation