Просмотр полной версии : Accepted mikroginon 6 months, mezhmenstr. Botched work was not. Then was vynuzhde...

28.05.2004, 02:13
Accepted mikroginon 6 months, mezhmenstr. Botched work was not. Then there was a compelled or forced break 4 months. Now the beginnings again it or him to accept, but... gde-that from 13 14 tablets has started "to smear" pink, allocation not greater or big. Today (in a pack of 5 more tablets) even some drops of a blood. Why? mikroginon to me any more does not approach or suit? (before such botched work was not) whether It will be reliable mikroginon for me by way of contraception about a trace. Month or to change for other preparation?

Soboleva L.I.
28.05.2004, 19:08
Hello! While it is impossible to tell or say anything certain. Next month for 11 12 day of a cycle make US to be convinced of efficiency of a preparation.