Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please, whether that can kak-to affect or influence the child that that ote...

27.05.2004, 10:40
The doctor, tell or say please, whether that can kak-to affect or influence the child that that the father accepts " a lithium a carbonate "?
In advance thanks

Talanova E.J.
27.05.2004, 16:44
Dear Tanja! Women at pregnancy and lactemias UNEQUIVOCALLY cannot accept a carbonate of a lithium. As if to the husband (how much or as far as I have understood, it is a question of planning pregnancy?) it at planning conception depends on how he transfers or carries a preparation, in what dose and for what he is appointed or nominated - there there are variants (consult on this bill at the attending physician of the husband).

28.05.2004, 12:24
The dear Doctor! At me skanchalsja the bi-monthly boy. Opening has shown, that as the reason of mors the congenital cyst of a cholic duct and a renal polycystosis have served. To destination the gynecologist on the second month of pregnancy has accepted 2 packs of Turinalum and nosh-py, on the fourth mesjatse-10 nyxes of Progesteronum and 10 packings of vitamin E. Has had been ill with a flu. Tell or say, whether all aforesaid as the reason of development patalogii a fetus please could serve? The matter is that I plan the second pregnancy and it would be desirable to exclude the genetic factor. In advance I thank!